Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Week 4: YMCA!

Well, we made it to week 4. In the past, I have had some struggles with keeping on an exercise routine and normally by this time, I am cutting back already. While last week was a bit tough for me, allergies and some new aches and pains slowed me a bit during the week; I was determined to stay on this path. I'm not only losing weight and becoming active for me, but my husband and I are wanting to start a family soon and well- I know that at my current level that I wouldn't be too healthy to carry a child.

I really think the difference is this group though. For the first time I am among a group of people who have been where I am. Some of them are starting this right there with me. Others started this journey many years ago and remember the struggle that they had when they first started too. But more than that, they are supportive. I have had some people in my life who don't want to hear about the complaints I have with sore calves or look down on me when I have a "cheat day" on my diet. I haven't had many actually (another thing I am proud of). This group has been there, has had those days and told me that it is ok and to just keep moving forward. They gave me tips in dealing with aches and pains. They ask me this week where I am weight-loss wise and if I don't lose, they tell me that its ok, that next week I will lose some more and that its a journey that goes up and down.

They say that after doing something for 30 days, it becomes a habit. As of last night, our group had met 4 times and now it just seems like a habit. I have been doing daily 1 mile walks on my lunch at work and while I would struggle to get that last bit in a month ago, it is now becoming easy. Last nights 2.2 mile walk was relatively easy where the first week, it was a real struggle to get 1.5 miles in.

Some of it had to do with the weather. We had a nice, cool night last night which made the workout much easier, but it was the motivation in my group and the camaraderie of the other CRIM groups that we passed. Even though a group of CRIM power-walkers passed us, they gave us high fives and clapped just as we did them. Its that kind of support.

I was always one of those people who would walk into a gym and feel that all the skinnier people were looking down on me for my workouts (or lack of difficulty). This was a group of people who will finish much sooner than I will on Crim day, but they are telling ME I am doing a good job and that has changed everything for me. My goal is to just finish the 8K now and I really think I'll be able to do it.

More to come... :)

A Bit of Catch Up!

It has been a few weeks since I last posted- sorry about that! Summer time is always a busy time and well, I have been busy. Temperatures ha...