Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Bit of Catch Up!

It has been a few weeks since I last posted- sorry about that! Summer time is always a busy time and well, I have been busy. Temperatures have been warming up here in Michigan but the walks are still going strong. We have met in some places that I have never been. One of them was the Flushing Bike Trail in June. I have never been to this trail but our group took a nice 3 mile walk through the woods, over the river and around the park. I really enjoyed that trail.

I have also completed  two 5K races since I last got on here. On June 29th, I participated in the Scoop De Loop. This race, starting at the Flint YMCA and winding through the cultural center was a bit tough for me, mostly because the humidity was very high. BUT, I did finish and I also placed and got myself a plaque to hang on my wall.
Winner Winner!

The next week, I went and walked the Volkslaufe. This race, other known as "The People's Race" was held in Frankenmuth on July 4th. I did this one with my friend Sally and we really enjoyed the race. It was a nice walk through Frankenmuth. There were little dance and music acts all along the race and the weather was perfect! We also enjoyed the pancake breakfast in the morning and our husbands came to cheer us on!
Right before the race started.

A little update on everything else- I haven't missed a week of training and don't plan to. I live for Tuesday nights because I know that I get to go walking with my group. I am seriously going to miss them once the fall comes around and I will totally sign up for the program again next year! I am also officially at 30 pounds of weightloss. I feel better. I look better. I even had a coworker as if I was shrinking and mentioned that I was looking good. Eating healthier has also given me a glow that has been commented on. Before you ask, I am not pregnant! We are hoping to start trying in another year or so :)

More to come!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Week 4: YMCA!

Well, we made it to week 4. In the past, I have had some struggles with keeping on an exercise routine and normally by this time, I am cutting back already. While last week was a bit tough for me, allergies and some new aches and pains slowed me a bit during the week; I was determined to stay on this path. I'm not only losing weight and becoming active for me, but my husband and I are wanting to start a family soon and well- I know that at my current level that I wouldn't be too healthy to carry a child.

I really think the difference is this group though. For the first time I am among a group of people who have been where I am. Some of them are starting this right there with me. Others started this journey many years ago and remember the struggle that they had when they first started too. But more than that, they are supportive. I have had some people in my life who don't want to hear about the complaints I have with sore calves or look down on me when I have a "cheat day" on my diet. I haven't had many actually (another thing I am proud of). This group has been there, has had those days and told me that it is ok and to just keep moving forward. They gave me tips in dealing with aches and pains. They ask me this week where I am weight-loss wise and if I don't lose, they tell me that its ok, that next week I will lose some more and that its a journey that goes up and down.

They say that after doing something for 30 days, it becomes a habit. As of last night, our group had met 4 times and now it just seems like a habit. I have been doing daily 1 mile walks on my lunch at work and while I would struggle to get that last bit in a month ago, it is now becoming easy. Last nights 2.2 mile walk was relatively easy where the first week, it was a real struggle to get 1.5 miles in.

Some of it had to do with the weather. We had a nice, cool night last night which made the workout much easier, but it was the motivation in my group and the camaraderie of the other CRIM groups that we passed. Even though a group of CRIM power-walkers passed us, they gave us high fives and clapped just as we did them. Its that kind of support.

I was always one of those people who would walk into a gym and feel that all the skinnier people were looking down on me for my workouts (or lack of difficulty). This was a group of people who will finish much sooner than I will on Crim day, but they are telling ME I am doing a good job and that has changed everything for me. My goal is to just finish the 8K now and I really think I'll be able to do it.

More to come... :)

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Week 2 and 3: Mott's Beauty

Oops, I forgot to report in last week, probably due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend that I was looking so forward to.

On week 2, our group met at the Ballenger Fieldhouse for what was supposed to be a nice short 1 to 1 1/2 mile walk. We continued across Court Street into the beautiful homes that the neighborhood had to offer and we just kept going. While enjoying the perfect weather and the beautiful architecture, we found ourselves splitting up at times and having to do some double backs. Of course, I didn't mind having to circle back as it allowed me to get more steps (and miles) in!

By the time we decided to go back to the beginning. we had a nice long walk under our belts. We get back to the fieldhouse and found that we had walked 2.4 miles. Look at us- overachievers.

Throughout this process, I am also working on a healthy diet and some weight loss and I have finally hit my stride. By the beginning of week 3, I was 16 pounds lighter than I was on April 18th! This was all very exciting to me!

For week three, we also met at Mott and took a nice 2 mile walk up through the cultural center. It was another perfect weather day- man have we lucked out! There were lots of walk and run groups out and training that we went by throughout the night and the cheers and motivation we shared between groups is inspiring. I am loving all the support I am getting so far for this and that this has been a positive experience overall. This trail had some hills on it which were a bit tough- I am going to have to start getting some training on hills.

At the end of our walk, we met back and enjoyed some popsicles and talked about upcoming races and activities! My friend Sally and I decided that we are going to move up into the 8k! As this will be my first 8k, I am super excited and motivated for this goal!
This is our group before our walk on week 2. You can see me on the left hand side (second one in with the bandana) :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Week 1: Holy Heat Batman!

I know I'm a bit late logging this walk but last week on 5/16, I completed my first walk with our group and MAN was it hot! Mother Nature gave us very summer-like weather in the middle of Spring. Our group met at Genesys and after going around to introduce ourselves and a few laughs, we were off!

Now I will admit, most of my walks have been on pretty flat surfaces, so that inclusion of some hills were a little rough. I also found myself near the front of the pack so I ended up circling back a few times (this just added to my walk though).

I love this group though seriously. They are so positive and inspiring and I am so excited for more! We are a mixed group so there is a chance that I may end up training for the 8k instead and completing that. This group of individuals made me think that I can and I am so motivated because of it! I am so glad I found this program.

The after pic!

Friday, May 12, 2017

A New Beginning

Well here I am. Last night was the kick off for the CRIM training program and I made the plunge. In college, I lived in downtown Flint and experienced the CRIM first hand. I also at that time, walked a couple 5ks for fun. Then a couple years ago, I volunteered for my first CRIM through the company that I work for. I found the atmosphere so welcoming to new and old walkers and really enjoyed it. I told myself that I was going to do the CRIM.

And then I didn't.

I had heard of the training program before and thought 'that would be something that I would like' but every time I remembered about it, the program had already started for the summer. I had thought about the CRIM too but I just never took the initiative to do it.

Well not this year. 2017 is a year of change for me. Last year we had bought our house and I got married. This year, my husband and I started thinking about the future. We want to start a family. But there are some obstacles ahead in order for us to even get there. One of the main ones is my health. I'll admit, I am very overweight and on several medications to manage the effects that my weight has had. I know that in order to have a healthier pregnancy, the weight needs to come off. I finally found the motivation in myself to do it.

So not only did I join weight watchers several weeks ago, I got a reminder from my health plan that the CRIM program was coming and better yet- they gave me a discount. I took that first step to sign up.

So last night, sitting in that gym with hundreds of people, I was enthralled. You worry whenever you are starting new that these people will judge you but not one person looked down on me. No matter what size I was, I was congratulated and welcomed and motivated to do my best. I met my group of really awesome people that I will get to know better over the coming months as we go through this journey together. Our group was asked to journal this journey we are on so here I am! I hope by the end of this journey to be a healthier Amelia who has made it a habit to be more fit.

More to come :)

A Bit of Catch Up!

It has been a few weeks since I last posted- sorry about that! Summer time is always a busy time and well, I have been busy. Temperatures ha...